Mafia — An Object Oriented DesignThe Godfather is one of the very first novels I properly made the effort to read. It was also my introduction to American Mafia and it’s…Dec 10, 2020Dec 10, 2020
Guitar Effects — An Object Oriented DesignWhat you see above is pretty close to heaven for a guitarist. I have been playing guitar myself for over a decade now. I started out with…Dec 9, 2020Dec 9, 2020
Tic Tac Toe — An Object Oriented DesignCame across some dusty old school notebooks while cleaning today. Upon opening them, I wasn’t surprised to see random games of tic-tac-toe…Dec 9, 2020Dec 9, 2020
ATC — An Object Oriented DesignToday, I was woken up by a thunderous sound. This is not unusual as I live close to the airport. As I tried to go back to sleep, I thought…Dec 5, 2020Dec 5, 2020
Published inThe StartupATM — An Object-Oriented DesignAs a learning exercise, I have decided to go on walks (in the outside world) to kill boredom, pick one “real world thing” and redesign it…Nov 30, 20203Nov 30, 20203
Techniques for Writing Inheritable CodeCode quality is directly impacts how maintainable inheritance hierarchies and modules are. Following techniques make life easier when…Oct 10, 2019Oct 10, 2019